Glutenfreier Zucchini-Schokokuchen - vegan, zuckerfrei und ölfrei
Dessert Gluten-free

Gluten-Free Zucchini Chocolate Cake

My vegan zucchini chocolate cake is truly a miracle cake: It’s low-fat, gluten-free, oil-free, wholesome, without household sugar, and presents sexy to boot! Cinnamon and cardamom, together with Fairtrade cocoa powder, give the cake the special extra and make sure, chocolate cake aficionados will praise highly! Zucchini and chocolate? Precisely! Zucchini season has started and …

Vegan Pasta with Stinging Nettles
Gluten-free Mains

Vegan Pasta with Stinging Nettles

With stinging nettles, I associate childhood memories that are not the happiest. In forests, you can currently find young plants that are perfect for pasta with nettle tomato sauce. Nettles are a natural superfood, boost metabolism, contain iron, more vitamin A and C than oranges and have a high protein content. This delicious vegan pasta …

Vegan Strawberry and Rhubarb Dessert Refined Sugar-Fre
Breakfast Dessert Gluten-free Sides & Snacks

Vegan Strawberry and Rhubarb Dessert – sugar free

Sweet strawberries and the classic rhubarb are an ever-tasteful combination announcing spring. The delicious compot does not require any refined sugar but gets the sweetness from strawberries and maple syrup. The vanilla pod adds this special twist to this vegan dessert. An absolute dream team The interaction between strawberries and rhubarb is just perfect and …

Personal Blog

Yoga and a Vegan Lifestyle

Interview with Rahel from In the last interview special with Nini from I asked her questions about Ahimsa, Veganism and Yoga. In today’s post I will answer the questions that Nini asked me and I will explain what the vegan lifestyle and yoga have in common. A few months ago, Nini asked me if …
